Day 086: Chalk drawings & Free Lunches

This has no doubt been one of the toughest times financially, our family has ever seen. And I’m sure many families are in the exact same spot. After I lost my job of 9 years last year, I made the tough decision to stay home. It was a HUGE hit to our household income, but I was determined to make it work. We cut back on all luxuries, and I worked hard to book photography sessions.

When COVID-19 hit, I was no longer able to do photography sessions, and my husband as a non essential worker, was forced to stay home, leaving our family without *any* income.

It’s tough to stay in your right mind when you’ve got three precious lives at home. Thankfully, our community pulled together and started offering free meals Monday – Friday! And what a blessing it has been for us. All three children get a lunch and a breakfast! There’s always a fruit, and a dairy element. If it’s nice enough, we walk the two short blocks down to the school, grab the bags, and walk back. 

Since it was so nice, I told the boys I’d make one of those popular chalk “stained glass” drawings with tape. But, unfortunately, we ran out of tape, so I just drew something out for them, and they filled in the shapes. I thought it was still pretty cool!

Apparently Maddox did too, because he licked it. LICKED it. He’s a strange one, y’all.

Megan OXO

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